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Rotten Egg Smell in Water

Imagine turning on your faucet, excited for a refreshing glass of water, only to be greeted by a smell that reminds you of rotten eggs. Yuck! This situation is more common than you might think, and it can put a damper on your day. But don’t worry – we’re here to explain why this happens to many homeowners and how you can fix it.

The rotten egg smell is typically caused by hydrogen sulfide gas in your water. This smell can range from barely noticeable to really strong. But what causes this smell, and more importantly, how can you eliminate it?

In this guide, we’ll explain what causes the rotten egg smell, why it matters, and how you can fix it to get the fresh, clean water you deserve in your home.

What Causes Rotten Egg Smell in Water?

The culprit behind this odor is usually a gas called hydrogen sulfide. It’s the same stuff that makes rotten eggs smell bad. Here’s how it might be getting into your water:

  • Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria: These bacteria thrive in oxygen-depleted environments within your plumbing system or well, producing hydrogen sulfide as a metabolic byproduct. According to the Minnesota Department of Health, “Sulfur bacteria produce a slime and can help other bacteria grow, such as iron bacteria. The slime can clog wells, plumbing, and irrigation systems.”
  • Chemical Reactions: Under certain conditions, sulfates in your water may undergo chemical reduction, forming hydrogen sulfide.
  • Water Heater Complications: The sacrificial anode rod in your water heater, typically composed of magnesium, can sometimes facilitate a reaction that produces hydrogen sulfide, particularly affecting hot water.
  • Groundwater Composition: Naturally occurring sulfur in underground rock formations can infiltrate the water supply for those relying on well water. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, “In some parts of the country, drinking water can contain hydrogen sulfide gas, which smells like rotten eggs. This can occur when water comes into contact with organic matter or with certain minerals, such as pyrite. This situation mostly occurs as groundwater filters through organic material or rocks.”
  • Potential Sewage Infiltration: In rare instances, this odor might indicate sewage contamination, requiring immediate professional intervention.

Why Rotten Egg Smell in Water Matters

While low levels of hydrogen sulfide usually aren’t harmful, the smell can cause some problems:

  1. Taste and Odor: The main issue is the rotten egg-like smell and taste it gives your water.
  2. Mild Health Effects: At medium levels, some people might get upset stomachs, feel sick, or have headaches.
  3. Breathing Issues: Though rare in home water, high levels can irritate your lungs and eyes.
  4. Plumbing Damage: Hydrogen sulfide can corrode metal pipes and fixtures over time.
  5. Stains: It can cause dark stains on silverware and plumbing fixtures.

Other Concerns:

  • The smell might hide other water quality issues.
  • Sulfur bacteria can create conditions where harmful bacteria grow more easily.

Even though the rotten egg smell usually isn’t dangerous, fixing it can make your water much more pleasant to use. If you’re worried, having your water tested is a good idea. Kohley’s offers a free home water analysis to all customers. Call us at (800) 686-3224 or fill out our online form today to schedule yours.

How to Treat a Rotten Egg Smell in Water

Getting rid of the rotten egg smell isn’t too complicated. There are several ways to do it, depending on what’s causing the problem. Here are some common solutions:

  1. Activated Carbon Filters: These can remove low to medium levels of hydrogen sulfide. The Minnesota Department of Health states, “Activated carbon filters are effective for hydrogen sulfide levels less than 1 milligram per liter (mg/L). The gas is trapped by the carbon until the filter is saturated. Since the carbon filter can remove substances in addition to hydrogen sulfide gas, it is difficult to predict its service life.”
  2. Water Heater Maintenance: If only your hot water smells, flushing your water heater and replacing the anode rod might help.
  3. Reverse Osmosis: This advanced method can remove hydrogen sulfide and other contaminants from drinking water.
  4. Shock Chlorination: This can help kill sulfur bacteria in well water. According to the PennState Extension, “Shock chlorination involves pouring a chlorine solution directly into the well to kill bacteria. This technique is commonly used as a first step in treating bacterial contamination problems in wells.”





Steps to Fix Rotten Egg Smell in Water

If you’re dealing with smelly water, follow these steps:

boy studying test tube of water

  1. Test Your Water: Get a professional water test to find exactly what’s causing the smell and how much hydrogen sulfide is in your water.
  2. Check Hot and Cold Water: See if the smell is in both hot and cold water or just one.
  3. Inspect Your Well: If you have well water, have a professional check your well for potential problems.
  4. Talk to Experts: Ask a water treatment company for advice based on what you find out.
  5. Install Treatment: Put in the recommended system to fix your specific problem.
  6. Maintain Your System: Follow the instructions to keep your new treatment system working well.
  7. Keep Checking: Regularly test and smell your water to ensure the treatment works.

“Remember, while the rotten egg smell is unpleasant, it’s usually not immediately dangerous,” says Kohley’s Manager Paul Johnson. “However, it’s important to fix it to ensure your water is safe and enjoyable to use.”

Kohley’s Superior Water Can Help with Smelly Water

At Kohley’s Superior Water, we specialize in diagnosing and resolving complex water quality issues, including the notorious rotten egg odor. Our systematic approach encompasses:


  1. A thorough assessment of your unique water quality concerns.
  2. Comprehensive water testing utilizing state-of-the-art analytical techniques.
  3. A clear explanation of your water quality status and available treatment options.
  4. Recommendation and implementation of the most effective and cost-efficient solution for your specific situation.
  5. Ongoing support and maintenance to ensure long-term water quality improvement.

Don’t let suboptimal water quality compromise your daily life. Contact Kohley’s Superior Water today by completing our online inquiry form or calling us at (800) 686-3224. Our team of trained water treatment experts is committed to helping you achieve and maintain superior water quality in your home.

With Kohley’s Superior Water, you’re not merely addressing a symptom but investing in comprehensive water quality enhancement for your household. Let’s collaborate to transform your water supply into a source of refreshment and peace of mind.

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