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Crystal Clean™


Unlike regular iron cleaners and rust removing salt, Crystal Clean™ is an advanced organic iron treatment with a molecular bonding strength 10x higher than regular iron cleaners.  This allows Crystal Clean™ to break apart all rust that is trapped in the resin that all other treatments leave behind. A water softener with zero iron buildup will prevent all iron staining exactly like an iron filter, without the added expense or maintenance.

  • Turns your water softener into an effective iron filter
  • Eliminates iron staining
  • Stops well water odors
  • Improves soft water quality
  • Safe for use in all softeners
  • Effective up to 20 ppm of iron
SKU: N/A Category:

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Bottle Size

16 oz

Delivery Method

Pick Up (Kohley's Muskegon), Delivery (add to my water route)

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